Commands List
Chat and Mail
Notable Warps
Magic Enchants
- /back -> Returns you to your previous location.(4 hour cooldown)
- /tpa [Player] -> Teleports you to the listed player.
- /tpahere [Player] -> Teleports the listed player to you.
- /sethome [Name] -> Creates a new home in the location you are standing.
- /home [Name] -> Teleport to one of your existing homes.
- /homes -> List all of your existing homes.
- /tags -> Opens a menu where you can change your displayed tag.
- /help -> Opens the general help menu.
- /rules -> Opens the rules menu.
- /features -> Opens the features menu.
- /shops -> Opens the shops menu.
- /premium -> Opens the premium membership menu.
- /serverwarps -> Opens the serverwarps menu.
- /dungeons -> Opens the dungeons menu.
- /magicenchants -> Opens the magic enchants menu.
- /questinfo -> Opens the quest information menu.
- /bounties -> Opens the bounties menu.
- /claiming -> Opens the land claim menu.
Chat and Mail
- /mail send <player> -> can be used to write offline players
- /mail read -> used to view your messages
- /mail clear -> clear out your mailbox
- /ignore <player> -> allows you to hide the messages from a certain player
- /msg <player> <message> -> allows you to send a message to a particular player
- /r <msg> -> reply to the last player that messaged you
- /afk -> toggles in chat that you’re afk
Notable Warps
- /spawn -> Teleports you to the server spawn.
- /pvp -> Teleports you to the PVP Arena.(Items will be lost if you die here!)
- /market -> Teleports you to the server market.
- /crates -> Teleports you to the crates in spawn.
- /wild -> Teleports you to a random location within the world.(Only usable in build and mining world)
- /warp end -> Teleports you to the end.
- /nether -> Teleports you to the nether.
- /warp mining -> Teleports you to the mining world.
- /dungeonhub -> Teleports you to the dungeon hub.
- /magicenchants -> Teleports you to the enchant hub.
- /warp mcmmo -> Teleports you to mcmmo map.
- (Blaze+) /pweather -> Changes your personal weather, not the server weather.
- (Blaze+) /ptime -> Changes your personal time, not the server time.
- (Blaze+) /pv [1-15] -> Opens playervault, number depends on your premium rank.
- (Blaze+) /kit building -> Gives you the monthly building kit.
- (Blaze+) /kit ibonus -> Gives you the monthly 1000 claim blocks
- (Blaze+) /wb -> Opens the portable workbench.
- (Guardian+) /rename -> Renames the item currently held in your hand.
- (Guardian+) /nickcolor -> Changes nickname color displayed ingame.
- (Wither+) /kit redstone -> Gives you the monthly redstone kit.
- (Wither+) /kit elytra -> Gives you the monthly elytra kit.
- (Dragon+) /fix -> Allows you to fix the item in your hand.(Daily Cooldown)
- (Dragon+) /kit iibonus -> Gives you the monthly 2000 claim blocks.
- (Phantom+) /heal -> Allows you to restore health and hunger.(2 hour cooldown)
- (Phantom+) /fly -> Allows you to fly while within your claims.
- (Immortal+) /kit iiibonus -> Gives you the monthly 5000 claim blocks.
- /dungeonhub -> Takes you to the dungeon hub.
- /ma join [Dungeon Name] -> Enters the selected dungeon.(Though I recommend using the hub)
- /ma leave -> Leaves the arena you are in and returns you to your previous location.
- /ma list -> Shows you a list of the dungeons currently available.
Magic Enchants
- /enchanter -> Opens the enchanter menu.
- /tinkerer -> Opens the tinkerer menu.
- /alchemist -> Opens the alchemist menu.
- /abandonclaim -> Abandons the claim you are currently standing inside of
- /abandonallclaims -> Abandons all claims owned by you.
- /claimslist -> Shows you a list of all of your existing claims.
- /trust [player] -> Gives a player full trust access to your base.
- /untrust [player] -> Removes a players trust from the claim you are standing in.
- /containertrust [player] -> Gives a player contained trust to the claim you are standing in.(This allows access to everything except breaking blocks.)
- /accesstrust [player] -> Gives a player access trust to the claim you are standing in.(This allows access to doors/levers/buttons within your base.)
- /trustlist -> Shows you a list of all players trusted to the claim you are standing in.
- /subdivideclaim -> Allows you to create subplots within your existing claim that will give players permissions to only the area specified.(If you trust a player to the entire claim, they will also be able to access all subplots within that claim.)
- /kit claim -> Use this to receive a golden shovel to create your claim.
- /mcstats or /stats -> Shows all of your mcmmo stats.
- /mctop -> Shows the top power level chart.
- /<skill> [axes] [swords] etc -> Shows your stats, abilities, and XP level for that skill.
- /redeem -> redeems mcmmo credits on skills.
- /party CREATE <name> -> Creates a party.
- /party INVITE <player> -> Invites a player to your party.
- /party leader <player> -> Gives player leader perms.
- /p <message> -> Party chat.
- /party kick <player> -> Kicks a player.
- /party disband -> Disbands party.
- /party XPSHARE -> Shares mcmmo xp with your party.
- /market -> Warp to player shops
- /shopgui -> Shows you the interface to sell
- /baltop -> Shows a table of players with the highest balances
- /pay <player> <amount> -> Allows you to give the specified about of money to the chosen player
- /sell all -> Sells all valid items in your inventory
- /sell hand -> Sells all items in your inventory the same as what is in your hand
- /ah -> Opens the auction house
- /ah sell <price> <amount> -> Places the item in your hand in the auction house
- /areashop addfreind <player> -> Adds a player to your shop plot.
- /areashop delfriend <player> -> Removes a player from your shop plot.
- Right click a shop sign to rent the shop.