Detailed below is the process and approximate timings for the network to be updated to 1.19. Currently, 1.19 and 1.19.1 clients are able to connect to the network and play the servers.
7pm (BST), 2pm (EDT)
All servers will be taken off-line while Minecraft is updated to 1.19, plugins tested and world boarders on main living worlds for I-Age, T-Age and D-Age are expanded to take in the new biomes. I will then render as much of the world as possible.
Mining servers will then start the full world resets and worlds will be fresh 1.19 generated worlds with the new mobs and biomes.
8pm (BST) 3pm (EDT)
All main world servers will open and be available to log in and play. At this point there will be no change to S-Age, however, more details will follow for this server in the coming weeks.
9pm (BST) 4pm (EDT)
All mining servers will open and there will be a new dragon to kill on the I-mining, T-mining and /warp end on D-Age as these are newly generated worlds and will feature all the new mobs and biomes:
As always, all the above timings are estimates so please keep an eye on our discord for updates to the planned schedule.
I hope you all enjoy 1.19.
MC-Ages team
7pm (BST), 2pm (EDT)
All servers will be taken off-line while Minecraft is updated to 1.19, plugins tested and world boarders on main living worlds for I-Age, T-Age and D-Age are expanded to take in the new biomes. I will then render as much of the world as possible.
Mining servers will then start the full world resets and worlds will be fresh 1.19 generated worlds with the new mobs and biomes.
8pm (BST) 3pm (EDT)
All main world servers will open and be available to log in and play. At this point there will be no change to S-Age, however, more details will follow for this server in the coming weeks.
9pm (BST) 4pm (EDT)
All mining servers will open and there will be a new dragon to kill on the I-mining, T-mining and /warp end on D-Age as these are newly generated worlds and will feature all the new mobs and biomes:
As always, all the above timings are estimates so please keep an eye on our discord for updates to the planned schedule.
I hope you all enjoy 1.19.
MC-Ages team