On our One Block server, you are able to buy minions to help you complete your daily tasks, like farming, woodcutting, mining etc.
To access the shop, do /minion store. This will open up the shop, showing you all the minions available and what each does and its cost.

Once you have purchased your minion, it will appear in your inventory and be ready to place. To place the minion, just place it infront of the block or in the area you wish for it to work.
Minions will use energy each time they perform their task, so ensure that your minion is fed with cooked beef to keep it running. To feed the minion, hold cooked beef and right click your minion.
Once placed, you can access the minion menu by right clicking the minion, and in here you are able to set its orientation, check its health and upgrade the minion:
Detailed below are the upgrade options and costs:
On Oneblock the miner will only break the 1 block in front of them.
Level 2 - cost $20,000 - Iron Pickaxe
Level 3 - cost $30,000 Dimond Pickaxe, Max health 30
Level 4 - cost $40,000 Diamond Pickaxe, Max health 40
The initial setting, the farmer will farm a 2x2x2 area either side of the minion.
Level 2 - cost $30,000 - Farms 4x4x4, Iron Hoe.
Level 3 - cost $60,000 - Farms 6x6x6, Diamond Hoe.
Level 4 - cost $120,000 - Farms 8x8x8, Diamond Hoe.
Collects items on the ground 3x3x3 area either side of the minion.
Level 2 - cost $20,000 - Collects 4x4x4
Level 3 - cost $40,000 - Collects 6x6x6
Does what it says - fishes!
Level 2 - cost $20,000 - improves the chance of catching fish
Level 3 cost $40,000 - further improves the chance of catching a fish
Chops wood within a 3x5x3 area either side of the minion.
Level 2 - cost $40,000 - Chops 4x7x4, Iron Axe
Level 3 - cost $80,000 - Chops 6x10x6 Dimond Axe
Kills mobs within an area 3x3x3 either side of the minion,
Level 2 - cost $40,000 - Killing area 5x5x5, Iron Sword and Looting 1
Level 3 - cost $80,000 - Killing area 7x7x7, Diamond Sword, Looting 1, Max Health 30
Level 4 - cost $120,000 - Killing area 7x7x7, Diamond Sword, Looting 2, max Health 40 and Smelt.