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Towny Commands and Information


Staff member
Hi all,

Firstly, here is a link to the first YouTube tutorial on starting on the Towny server:

Below is a list of the most common Towny commands used in the game.

For further information please visit the official Towny website:


Town Commands

/t new {townname} - Creates new town (cost $2,000).

/t delete - Deletes your town (Mayor Command)

/t here - Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand.

/t add {resident} - Mayor command to add residents to your town.


/t invite [name] - invites a plyer to the town

/t invite -[name] - Removes an invite sent to a player

- player can accept the invite by typing /invite accept [town name]

/t invite - shows a list of the players have have been sent an invite

/t join {townname} - Command to join a town that doesn't require invites.

/t leave - Leave the town your are in *Be sure to take all your items out of your plot before doing this command, as you'll loose access.

/t kick {resident} - Mayor command to remove residents from your town.

/t reslist - Displays a list of all residence in the town.

/t spawn - Teleports you to your town's spawn.

/t claim - Mayor command to claim the townblock in which you stand for your town.

/t claim outpost - Claims an outpost for your town (cost $5,000)

/t unclaim - Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand.

/t deposit {$} - Adds money from player to the town bank.

/t withdrawal {$} - Removes money from townbank.

/t bankhistory [#] - Opens a book GUI with # number of transactions listed

/t outpost {number} - Teleports to an outpost

/t ranklist - Displays residents and their ranks

/t rank {add/remove} - {playername} {Sheriff/Builder/Clerk/Officer/Knight/Assistant} - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.
- Sheriff -> permissions to jail and outlaw players
- Builder -> Permissions to build in town owned plots and send invites to players to join the town
- Clerk -> Permissions to build in town owned plots, invite players and put plots up for sale/not for sale
- Officer -> all the permissions of Builder and Clerk
- Knight -> all the permissions above plus being able to edit player owned plots in the town.
- Assistant -> all the permissions of all ranks except some Mayoral permissions
- Co-Mayor -> all the permissions of the Mayor except disbanding the town.

/t set board {message} - Sets message seen by residents upon logging in.

/t set mayor {resident} - Mayor command to give mayor status to another resident.

/t set homeblock - Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town.

/t set spawn - Sets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock.

/t set name {name} - Change your town's name.

/t set outpost - Sets a townblock as an outpost.

/t set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off} - Gives permissions to build/destroy/switch/itemuse (It's recommended to turn build and destroy off for outsiders to prevent griefing)

/t set perm reset - this will reset all town owned plot perms to the town's main permissions

/t set taxes {$} - Sets taxes collected from each resident daily. Also sets percentage if taxpercent is toggled on.

/t toggle explosion - Turn on/off explosions in town.

/t toggle fire - Turn on/off firespread in town.

/t toggle mobs - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in town.

/t toggle public - Turn on/off public /town spawning and the co-ordinates of the town's homeblock in the /town screen.

/t toggle pvp - Turn on/off pvp in town.

/t toggle taxpercent - Turn on/off taxing by percent/flatrate.

/t toggle open - Turn on/off public joining to your town.

/t outlaw {add/remove} {name} - Adds or removes an outlaw from the town outlaw list.

/t jail list - shows the jail number, name, coordinates, cellcount and which is the primary jail

/t jail name - jails a player for 1 hour (must be a resident of the town).

/t jail [name] [hours] [jail] [cell] - each of these options can be added tot he command to sent a player to a particular jail.

/t buy bonus {amount} - Buys available bonus town-blocks

/t online - Shows the players online in your town

/t set mapcolor [colour] -
[darksalmon, magenta, pink, darkviolet, navy, darkgreen, yellow, cyan, gold, red, aqua, fuchsia, lightgrey, darkcyan, lightblue, white, olive, khaki, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkmagenta, darkgrey, darkblue, lightcyan, azure, green, darkorchid, lightyellow, lightpink, lime, black, violet, brown, lightgreen, beige, orange, darkkhaki, blue, darkred, purple, silver, indigo, maroon].

/t ? - Shows the town help page

Plot commands

/plot claim - Resident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale.

/plot {forsale/notforsale} {$} Set a plot for sale.

/t set plot {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off} - Gives permissions to build/destroy/switch/itemuse (It's recommended to turn build and destroy off for outsiders to prevent griefing)

/plot evict - remove a plot from a plot owner (mayor or assistant command).

/plot trust add/remove [name] - adds/removes a player as a Trusted player on a plot.

/plot set reset - Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot.

/plot set shop - Sets a plot to a shop plot.

/plot set embassy - Sets a plot to an embassy plot.

/plot set arena - Sets a plot to an arena plot.

/plot set wilds - Sets a plot to a wilds plot.

/plot set inn - Sets a plot to an inn plot.

/plot set jail - Sets a plot to a jail plot.

/plot set farm - Sets a plot to a farm plot.

/plot set bank - Sets a town plot as a bank.

/plot toggle fire - Turn on/off firespread in the plot in which you stand.

/plot toggle pvp - Turn on/off pvp in the plot in which you stand.

/plot toggle explosion - Turn on/off explosions in the plot in which you stand.

/plot toggle mobs - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in the plot in which you stand.

/plot jailcell add/remove - Adds/removes a jail cell to a plot.

Resident commands

/res - shows the resident screen info

/res toggle map - Turns on the town map display which refreshes when crossing chunk borders.

/res [name] - shows another player's resident screen

/res friend add/remove [name] - add a player to trusted friends list

/res friend add+/remove+ [name] - adds/removes an offline player

/res friend list - lists your friends

/res friend clear - removes all names from the friends list

The following toggles permissions on your own plot:
/res set perm friend on/off
/res set perm {build/destroy/switch/itmeuse} on/off
/res set perm {friend/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} on/off

Nation commands

/n new {nationname} - How to create a Nation ?

/n withdraw {$} - King command to withdraw money from the nation bank.

/n deposit {$} - King command to add money to the nation bank.

/n bankhistory [#] - Opens a book GUI with # number of transactions listed

/n {add|remove} {playername} {assistant} - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the nation.

/n add {town} .. {town} - Invites/Adds a town to your nation.

/n kick {town} .. {town} - Removes a town from your nation.

/n leave - leaves the nation your town is in (Mayor only command)

/n delete {nation} - Deletes your nation.

/n ally add {nation} ... {nation} - Adds a nation to your nation's ally list.

/n enemy add {nation} ... {nation} - Adds a nation to your nation's enemy list.

/n set king {resident} - King command to change the king of the nation.

/n rank {add/remove} {playername} {rank} - Grants or removes a rank to resident in the nation

/n set capital {town} - Sets the capital and king of the nation.

/n set taxes {$} - Sets nation tax applied to the towns within the nation.

/n set name {name} - Sets the nation's name.

/n set mapcolor [colour]
[darksalmon, magenta, pink, darkviolet, navy, darkgreen, yellow, cyan, gold, red, aqua, fuchsia, lightgrey, darkcyan, lightblue, white, olive, khaki, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkmagenta, darkgrey, darkblue, lightcyan, azure, green, darkorchid, lightyellow, lightpink, lime, black, violet, brown, lightgreen, beige, orange, darkkhaki, blue, darkred, purple, silver, indigo, maroon].

Usefull chat commands:

/tc - Put in front of text to speak with members of your town only, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.

/nc - Put in front of text to speak with members of your nation only, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.

/g - Put in front of text to speak in globalchat, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.

/l - Put in front of text to speak in localchat, or without text afterwards to enter the channel. Only players that are near are able to see this.

/map - this open a text box, click the link to open the Towny Age Dynmap.
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